Monday, March 30, 2009

The Population Bubble

With the current global financial crisis, there has been much talk about the bubble, the housing bubble, and the stock market bubble. Unfortunately, we have another already huge and growing bubble that is being ignored... the global population bubble. Currently, there are 6.5 billion people, and that is projected to increase to 9 billion by 2050. Already, humans are causing widespread global devastation, which will only increase as the population increases. Genocide, famine, and wars will only increase as the population increases and resources become more scare.

I propose a fix to the population bubble: when a man or woman reaches adulthood, each would get a certificate for one child. This is a fair method for halting global population growth. If a family wanted to have more than two children, they would need to obtain (buy or receive) additional certificates. If individuals didn't have children, they could sell or give away their certificate. Unwanted pregnancies could be aborted or could be delivered for adoption to another person who had a certificate. Governments would safeguard the certificates.

The religious would oppose this solution saying, "It is God who must decide this." My reply is, "If it is God's will for families to have more than two children, then pray and He will get you another certificate." No octomoms or procreating like other animals.

If you agree that we are ignoring the population bubble and need to implement some kind of zero population growth, then please publish this solution at other sites. Just like Global Warming is a looming disaster, unregulated human population growth will likely lead to the worst disasters on this planet.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Energy Cost of Bottled Water

Summary of the March 6, 2009 Science Magazine podcast:

200 billion liters of bottled water consumed worldwide in 2007
33 billion liters of bottled water consumed in the U.S. (1/6th of the world, yet our tap water is clean).
The 200 billion liters required 50 million barrels of oil to make, bottle, transport, cool, dispose, etc.
Essentially, when you drink bottled water, it might as well be 1/4 filled with oil.
Recycling of the empty bottles only helps reduce trash, as they are mainly used for other purposes like making carpets.

A Pur or Brita water filter on the faucet works well for removing chemicals and unpleasant taste. A reusable aluminum, stainless steel, or Nalgene water bottle works for carrying water. If you consume some bottled water, try reusing the bottle by refilling it with filtered tap water. Because the U.S. uses over 25% of the world's energy, we are the biggest wasters of energy, and we need to learn to save in EVERY way possible.